The zombie keeps the score
Reading The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk, I realised I might finally have found a way of explaining what The Splits is about.
Read MoreReading The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van der Kolk, I realised I might finally have found a way of explaining what The Splits is about.
Read MoreI want to zoom in on the transformation of the father into a zombie…
Read MoreWhat would it be like if you couldn’t understand the minds of others?
Read MoreMy ear was recently grabbed by a radio show on how diseases get their names…
Read MoreWhy pit Deadgirl (2008) against The Corpse of Anna Fritz (2015)? Well, they are both about young men who have sex with dead women…
Read MoreIn the 1990s there was a major public health campaign about Scott-Lapidot Disease - AKA 'the Splits' - which aimed to clear up a number of persistent myths about the illness. I found an original leaflet from that campaign tucked down the back of my aunt's sofa. I've scanned it so I can post it up for anyone who's interested. Well worth a look, I think. It's pretty accurate about the symptoms even if it's got the root causes of Scott-Lapidot Disease (SLD) totally wrong.
Front of leaflet
Back of leaflet
Just got the uncorrected paperback delivered.
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